Wednesday 10 August 2016

An Ancient Greek Myth

A Real-Life Indiana Jones Movie

Many of the ancient Greek philosophers were animists.  The basic idea is that the rock is "alive".  Or, to flip it around, when one is confronted with life, we really have a peculiar arrangement of dead matter.  So, take the thrush songbird and its beautiful morning chorus.  Clearly the thrush is quickened with life itself (whatever that might be), but the ancient Greek animist said, not really.  It is just inanimate matter in a peculiar configuration.  

This idea rules amongst the materialistic scientists (who control the Academy in our generation).  To account for life out of dead, inanimate, and impersonal matter the Academy coined a fancy word--which the credulous found a compelling argument in and by itself.  That word was "abiogenesis".  The theory of the origins of life represented by that word was:  a) that the earliest life forms on earth developed from non-living matter; and, b) living organisms arose spontaneously from inanimate matter, by spontaneous generation.  Abiogenesis is now thoroughly debunked, except for the invincibly ignorant animists.

No matter how many verbal smoke screens are puffed out, stupid is as stupid does.  And secularist science is pretty stupid at this point.
 To account for the existence of living creatures, the modern materialist scientist appeals to something entirely impersonal, such as randomnicity or time, then, hey presto, by means of a magical wand these functions suddenly become "functors" or persons, living entities.  All of a sudden we find the members of the scientific Academy speaking about "Father Time" or "Mother Nature".

One of the classic offerings of animist soup is found in the work of David Attenborough. He presents Nature as impersonal, evolving over billions of years, yet somehow alive, responsible for the wondrous complexity, balance, pattern and organisation of living creatures.  His breathy speaking style makes it all the more awe-inspiring.  But there ain't nothing to it.  All is a vast con job, drawing on the superstitious principles of ancient animism.

So much of modern materialistic speculation about origins and life boils down to extensive use of a logical fallacy.  Canadian professor of medicine, Magnus Verbrugge explains how this grand charade works:
They [materialists] all say the same thing:
1) First there was only inanimate matter on earth.
2) Today we observe many species of living beings.
3) These clearly arrived on the scene after the earth was formed.
4) Since there is nothing but physical forces that could have produced them, we must hold these forces responsible for their appearance.

If proposition 1 and 2 are true, No. 3 follows logically from them.  Any Bible-believer will agree: God created them after the earth.  But proposition 4 is entirely unrelated to the other three.  It is not based on observation.  It too is based on a revelation: it is a "must", whether you like it or not.

It is revealed to us by the imagination of the Greeks and repeated over and over by modern materialists.  But verbal repetition brings no proof to a proposition.  Like all forms of humanism, materialism is a religion.  It cannot be proved but must be believed.  And it needs the theory of abiogenesis in order to explain life's origin.   [Magnus Verbrugge, Alive: An Enquiry Into the Origin and Meaning of Life (Vallecito, CA: Ross House Books, 1984), p. 118f.] 
And the theory of abiogenesis has no scientific credence (and, therefore credibility) whatsoever.  Tough luck.   But desperation is the mother of invention, and so the Academy rolls on.  That particular emperor remains starkers.  Not a pretty sight.  But that's what you get when you dabble in ancient Greek mysticism.  It's like something out of an Indiana Jones movie.  Entertaining, but without a scintilla of authenticity.   Only fools and horses suspend their disbelief and think otherwise.

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